Video marketing has emerged as a crucial strategy in today’s digital world, with 86% of businesses utilizing it as a tool to promote their products or services. This form of marketing enables brands to connect with their audience in an engaging and dynamic way, significantly enhancing their online presence. 

From social media clips and explainer videos to product demonstrations, video content offers a versatile medium for businesses to convey their message and foster brand awareness. As a result, video marketing has become an indispensable component of a successful marketing campaign.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing involves using videos to promote and educate your intended audience. It is also employed to enhance brand recognition and social interaction, enabling you to reach new and broader audiences.

Why is video marketing so powerful?

In simpler terms, why is video marketing so effective? Why should you engage in video marketing? Here are a few reasons:

Video is easily accessible

We all watch videos – it’s something we commonly do. Videos are everywhere, even on large screens in major cities like New York or London.

Moreover, you can watch them on a wide range of devices – your smartphone, tablet, computer, television, or more.

In fact, using video content has been proven to boost organic search traffic to websites substantially. Several studies indicate that websites incorporating videos demonstrate an average conversion rate of 4.8%, in contrast to the 2.9% conversion rate observed in websites without video content.

Video allows you to explain concepts faster and more clearly.

Video is an engaging experience that stimulates both your hearing and sight senses. It enables viewers to witness something in action, whether it’s a product or a concept.

In contrast, consider text-based content. It only engages your sense of sight, and you can’t actually witness things in action; you must rely on your imagination


For instance, let’s take my passion for breakdancing. Suppose I wanted to learn the windmill move and had to rely on this text-based explanation:

“To begin, initiate a backspin, and once in this position, transition onto your head using your left hand.”

I would have abandoned my aspirations of becoming a Red Bull BC One champion within seconds of starting. However, everything becomes crystal clear when I watch this video:

Video allows you to connect with audiences on prominent platforms like YouTube.

Consider this: YouTube boasts more than 2 billion monthly active users. The primary method to engage with them is by creating videos.

TikTok, on the other hand, has garnered over 1 billion monthly active users. The key to engaging with this audience is crafting concise, short videos.

The message is clear – there are unexplored opportunities in this realm, and failing to make an attempt means missing out on these potential benefits

Types of marketing videos

While our primary focus is on tutorial-style videos for our YouTube channel, it’s important to note that there are various other types of marketing videos to explore. Here are some alternative options to consider:

Product demonstrations

These videos showcase your product in action. They can be self-produced, such as a software walkthrough, or created by influencers unboxing and reviewing your product.


For instance, the following is an example of a video we’ve made in the “tutorial style,” essentially functioning as a product demonstration:

Tutorials and How-tos

These videos are designed to instruct your audience on how to accomplish a specific task or learn a new skill.


For instance, here’s an example from our channel where Sam provides a tutorial on scaling content creation:

Brand Videos

The aim of brand videos is to enhance visibility and recognition of your brand, along with its products or services. You’ve likely encountered many of these videos, often in the form of advertisements on platforms like YouTube.


Below is an illustration from as an example:

Animated Videos

In animated videos, as the name implies, animations are employed to elucidate various subjects, whether they pertain to concepts, products, or more. While we don’t specialize in creating entirely animated videos, we often incorporate animations within our tutorials. 

Nevertheless, here’s a sample of a fully animated video for reference:


If you or a member of your team frequently deliver presentations, consider recording these speeches and sharing them as video content.


This approach is often employed by individuals like GaryVee.

Entertaining/storytelling videos

Create videos that either tell a compelling story about your product or entertain your audience.


ClickUp, for example, excels at this.

Expert interviews

Engage with industry experts, thought leaders and influencers to tap into their knowledge. Have them share their expertise with your audience.

Success Stories and Customer Feedback

Encourage your satisfied and loyal customers to share their experiences, explaining how your product or service resolved their issues.


Webinars and Live Broadcasts

Host webinars or livestream events with the aim of imparting knowledge or instructing your audience, typically in a live setting. These recorded sessions can subsequently be uploaded as valuable video content.


How to Get Started with Video Marketing?

If you’re eager to promote your business through video marketing, follow these steps to get started:

Define Your Audience

Creating a video without a clear audience in mind is a gamble. Start by identifying who your target viewers should be. If you already have a customer list, use it as a starting point. 

Reach out to your customers, have a conversation with them, and gather insights into their needs, challenges, and why they chose your product or service. 

If direct calls aren’t feasible, conduct customer surveys. If you lack an existing customer base, broadly define the audience your product or service caters to. 

For instance, if you provide SEO software, your initial audience description could be “people looking to boost website traffic.” This basic definition will help you steer clear of irrelevant topics.

Define Your Primary Objectives.

Determine your main goal, which usually falls into one of three categories:

A. Brand Awareness: Create videos that introduce your brand and inform viewers about your offerings. Ensure that your audience remembers your brand and understands what you do.

B. Education: Develop videos that teach your customers how to solve their problems, particularly those that your product can assist with. For example, create tutorials explaining how your tools simplify and enhance various processes.

C. Entertainment: If your content is meant for entertainment, it should be captivating and enjoyable. For example, the Red Bull YouTube channel succeeds by featuring extreme sports, effectively attracting its target audience.

Create the Video(s)

Your audience, objectives, and creative process will be unique to your business, so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for what to create and how to create it. However, consider the following subcategories as guidance:

A. Planning the Video: Before you start recording or filming, thoroughly plan your video, starting with the topic. Utilize tools like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer and explore questions related to your niche. Choose relevant questions to create videos about.

B. Video Length: The duration of your video should align with your primary objective. Brand awareness videos can be as short as 15 seconds, while educational content usually ranges from 5 to 120 minutes. Entertainment-style videos can vary widely, from 10 to 180 minutes, depending on the format.

C. Scripting Your Video: Unless you possess exceptional improvisation skills, it’s advisable to script your video. 

Video Marketing Examples

Following are some of the major examples of Video Marketing.


Slidebean, a platform specializing in pitch deck design for startups and small businesses, has successfully leveraged video marketing on its YouTube channel. Their strategy, shared by CEO Caya during a conversation two years ago, was designed in two main ways:

  • Recurring Video Series: Slidebean launched a recurring video series centered around startup-related keywords. This approach helped them attract and engage their target audience.
  • “Company Forensics” Series: In addition, they introduced a series called “Company Forensics,” which focused on topics further up the marketing funnel. This series aimed to create brand awareness and engage a wider audience in the early stages of their journey.

Slidebean’s commitment to these strategies has contributed to their success in using video marketing to reach their target audience effectively.


In contrast to Slidebean and other approaches, ClickUp has adopted a more innovative strategy. Rather than focusing on educational content, ClickUp has ventured into the realm of entertainment. 

Their videos, particularly those addressing the return of remote workers to the office, take the form of comedy skits designed for viral sharing.

This unique approach has proven successful, with ClickUp’s videos amassing millions of views. The strategy effectively places ClickUp’s brand at the forefront of the minds of its target audience. This is particularly noteworthy in a highly competitive space, which includes established brands like, Asana, Trello, and others.

Final Verdict

In summary, this comprehensive video marketing tutorial equips you with essential knowledge and strategies to excel in the digital landscape. To start implementing these tips and elevating your video marketing game, visit Hazehunt today for further guidance and support. Your journey to success begins here.

With a team of passionate enthusiasts, Hazehunt strives to bring you the latest insights, trends, and updates from the ever-evolving world of technology and entertainment.

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