In a groundbreaking update, Telegram has introduced a new feature that is set to change the way users interact on the messaging platform. Users can now post stories, much like on other popular social media platforms. 

This addition comes as no surprise, considering the increasing demand for ephemeral content and storytelling. With this feature, Telegram aims to enhance user engagement and create a more dynamic and immersive experience within the app.

What Are Telegram Stories?

Similar to the stories feature found on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, Telegram stories are temporary posts that can be shared with your contacts. 

Moreover, these stories, often consisting of photos, videos, or text, disappear after 24 hours, providing an opportunity to share more spontaneous and candid moments with your audience. It’s a fantastic way to update your friends and followers about your daily life or any exciting events as they happen.

Telegram now allows users to post stories

How to Post a Story on Telegram?

Posting a story on Telegram is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Open the Telegram app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the camera icon at the top-left corner or swipe right on the main screen.
  3. Capture a photo or record a video directly from the app or choose from your gallery.
  4. Add any desired stickers, text, or drawings to make your story more engaging.
  5. Select the “Send To” option, where you can choose specific contacts or groups to share your story with.
  6. Click on “Post” to publish your story.

Telegram’s story feature empowers users to unleash their creativity and share their unique perspectives with the world. Whether it’s a breathtaking landscape, a heartwarming moment with friends, or a captivating video from a recent trip, users can now tell their stories in a more expressive and visually appealing manner.

Telegram’s spokesperson expressed, 

“We want to give our users the ability to express themselves freely and creatively. The introduction of stories aligns with our commitment to continuously improve user experience and offer innovative features that cater to the evolving needs of our diverse user base.”

Telegram now allows users to post stories

Privacy and Control

Telegram is known for its emphasis on user privacy, and the story feature is no exception. Just like regular messages, users have control over who can view their stories. 

Whether it’s sharing stories with close friends, family members, or specific groups, users can customize their audience to ensure they feel comfortable and secure while sharing moments from their lives.

As a Telegram user, you have the power to adjust your privacy settings, allowing you to control who can send you messages, comment on your stories, or even mention you in their own stories. This level of control ensures that you can enjoy the storytelling experience without any unwanted intrusion.

With the addition of stories, Telegram aims to foster a deeper sense of connection among its users. Stories allow people to see beyond the regular text-based conversations and get a glimpse into each other’s lives in a more authentic and real-time manner.

One Telegram enthusiast shared, 

“I’ve been using Telegram for years, and I love how this new feature adds a personal touch to the platform. Now, I can keep my friends updated with my daily adventures through stories, and they can do the same. It feels more engaging and lively!”

Stories for Businesses and Brands

Telegram’s story feature also opens up exciting possibilities for businesses and brands. Companies can leverage this feature to create more interactive and engaging content, giving their audience an inside look into their products, behind-the-scenes processes, or exclusive promotions.

A marketing manager commented, 

“Stories provide an excellent platform for us to connect with our customers on a more personal level. It’s a fantastic way to showcase our brand culture and values, and it’s been well-received by our audience so far.”

Telegram now allows users to post stories


The introduction of the story feature on Telegram marks a significant step towards enriching user engagement and communication within the app. 

By allowing users to post stories, Telegram has embraced the trend of ephemeral content and provided a platform for creativity, spontaneity, and authentic connections.

As users continue to explore this new feature and share their stories, Telegram is likely to witness a surge in active engagement and further solidify its position as a user-centric messaging platform. 

So, if you haven’t tried posting a story on Telegram yet, it’s time to unleash your creativity and start sharing your unique moments with your friends, family, and followers. Happy story-sharing!

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