Imagine harnessing the power of Instagram, not just for likes and comments, but to create a $10K goldmine every month. Sounds like a dream, right? But what if it’s closer to reality than you think?

In today’s digital age, Instagram isn’t just a platform for selfies and food snaps. It’s a bustling marketplace, a space where brands and businesses can thrive. And the numbers back it up: projections indicate that by 2025, sales through social media in the U.S. could soar to a staggering $80 billion, up from $46 billion in 2020.

Yet, many are still on the sidelines, unaware of the potential their Instagram holds. If you’re one of them, it’s time to change the game. With Instagram, you’re not just opening a digital storefront; you’re setting the stage for a visual shopping experience. After all, 60% of Instagram users have discovered new products on the platform.

To help you unlock this potential and transform your Instagram into a lucrative venture, we’ve curated the ultimate shop setup guide. Dive in, and let’s turn that dream into a tangible $10K reality.

What is an Instagram Shop?

Instagram Shop

An Instagram Shop is a collection of features designed to make marketing and selling products easier on the social media platform. Businesses can showcase their featured items through sponsored posts, Stories, and organic posts, effectively engaging their audience. 

The convenience of Instagram Shopping allows users to seamlessly purchase products they discover while browsing in the Search & Explore section. 

With online shopping becoming increasingly popular, Instagram Shop can significantly impact your business’s growth by expanding your customer base and boosting credibility.

It includes the following features:

  • Product Detail Pages

The Product Detail Pages show you all the important info about a product. This includes things like what the product is, how much it costs, and pictures of it. The page also brings in any pictures of the product that are tagged on Instagram.

  • Collections

Collections are like when stores group together some products that go well together. It’s like when they put things in a special bunch to show them off nicely.

  • Shopping Tag

You can use a Shopping Tag to label products from your collection in your Stories, Reels, or Instagram posts. This lets your audience tap on them to find out more or purchase them.

  • Checkout

With Checkout, some customers in certain areas can buy things on Instagram without going to another place. If a brand doesn’t have a Checkout, customers will go to the brand’s own online store to finish buying.

  • Shop Discovery Tab

The Instagram app’s new Shop discovery section helps people find interesting things to buy, even if they don’t follow the sellers. You can look at products from both big and small brands around the world like you’re window-shopping on your phone.

Eligibility for Opening an Instagram Shop

Instagram Shop

Before you can start an Instagram Shop, you need to make sure you qualify. Here are the things you need to have:

1. Location in Supported Market

Your business or creator account must be in one of the places Instagram supports. You can find out if your location is supported by looking at Instagram’s Help Center. If your location isn’t on the list, you might not be able to add product tags.

2. Product to Sell

You should have something you can sell. It could be clothes, gadgets, or anything people might want to buy.

3. Website to Sell From

Your eCommerce business needs to have a website where you’re going to sell your stuff. This is where people will go to buy the things you’re selling on Instagram.

4. Follow the Rules

You have to stick to the rules Instagram has for businesses that sell things. This means you need to do things the right way according to Instagram’s rules.

If you have all these things, then you’re on your way to setting up an Instagram Shop!

How to Set up an Instagram Shop?

Instagram Shop

Follow these steps to set up your Instagram Shop in Pakistan. 

Step#1: Convert to a Business or Creator Account.

If you’re not already using a Business or Creator account, you’ll need to switch to one. Here’s how:

  • Open your Instagram app and go to your profile.
  • Tap the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings” at the bottom.
  • Tap “Account” and then choose “Switch to Professional Account”.
  • Follow the prompts to choose either the “Business” or “Creator” account type and connect to your Facebook Page.
  • Fill out your business information, including contact details and a category for your business.

Step #2: Connect to a Facebook Page.

  • Go to your business’s Instagram profile.
  • Tap “Edit Profile”.
  • Under “Public Business Information”, choose “Page”.
  • Select a Facebook Page from your existing Pages, or create a new Facebook Page if you don’t have one.

Step #3: Upload Your Product Catalog.

You need a product catalog to showcase your items on Instagram. There are two ways to do this:

Option 1: Using Catalog Manager (DIY Method)

  • Go to Facebook Business Manager ( and create a catalog.
  • Add your products to the catalog, including details like images, descriptions, and prices.
  • Connect your catalog to your Instagram Business account by going to Instagram > Settings > Business > Shopping > Products.

Option 2: Using E-commerce Platform Partner

  • If you’re using platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce, integrate your Instagram Business account with the platform.
  • Follow the platform’s instructions to sync your product catalog.

Step #4: Account Review

Once your product catalog is linked, you’ll need to get your account reviewed by Instagram. Here’s how:

  • Go to your business’s Instagram profile.
  • Tap the menu icon and select “Settings”.
  • Tap “Business” and then “Shopping”.
  • Follow the steps to submit your account for review.
  • Keep an eye on the “Shopping” section in your settings to check the review status.

Step # 5: Turn On Shopping

After your account is approved, you can enable shopping features:

  • Go to your business’s Instagram profile.
  • Tap the menu icon and select “Settings”.
  • Tap “Business” and then “Shopping”.
  • Choose the product catalog you want to connect.
  • Tap “Done”.

That’s it! Your Instagram Shop will now be live on your profile, allowing users to explore and purchase products directly through your shop.

Read More: Instagram Threads App will not launch in the EU. Here’s Why

Open Instagram Shop in Pakistan

Instagram Shop

While Instagram Shop might not be officially available in Pakistan, you can still establish your own Instagram Shop and offer an effective online shopping experience to your customers. 

By utilizing a virtual private network (VPN), you can create and manage your Instagram Shop, showcasing your products and connecting with your target audience. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Instagram Shop in Pakistan, while also ensuring compliance with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) regulations.

Step 1: Understand the PTA Guidelines and Deadlines

The PTA has mandated that all individuals and organizations using VPNs to hide or encrypt communications must register their VPNs. This applies to private organizations, public sectors, private sectors, and freelancers. Familiarize yourself with the PTA rules and regulations to ensure you’re operating within the legal framework.

Step 2: Select a Reliable VPN Service

Choose a reputable VPN service that offers strong encryption and secure connections. 

This will allow you to create a virtual network that can bypass any restrictions and provide you with an IP address from a location where Instagram Shop is available. Some popular VPN options include ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and CyberGhost.

Step 3: Register Your VPN with PTA

To register your VPN in Pakistan, follow these steps:

  • Go to the official PTA Registration Portal at
  • If you haven’t registered previously, create an account on the portal using your relevant information.
  • Provide accurate details about your organization, including name, registration number (if applicable), and contact information.
  • Enter the necessary information about the VPN service you’re using, including the VPN provider’s name and details.
  •  Double-check all the information and submit your application. You will receive a confirmation once your application has been successfully submitted.

How to Sell on Instagram Shop?

Once you’re all ready with your Instagram Shop, you’ll see a new button on your business’s Instagram profile. This button says “View Shop.”

When people tap on this button, they can look at all the things you’re selling. They can tap on things to get more information and even buy them.

You can also add tags to the things you’re selling in your posts, Stories, Reels, Guides, and Live videos. This makes it easy for people to shop while they’re looking at your content.

Instagram Shop

Having an Instagram Shop is a good start for selling on Instagram. But remember, just having the shop isn’t enough. You need to plan what you’re going to post and how you’ll get people interested.

Using a special tool for Instagram can help. It lets you manage your posts and see how well you’re doing. You can find out what’s working and what’s not, all in one place that’s easy to use!


In the dynamic realm of online business, Instagram Shop emerges as a transformative tool, providing businesses with the means to reach an expansive audience and streamline their sales efforts. 

The combination of user engagement, shopping behavior trends, and ease of use makes Instagram Shop a strategic platform for businesses of all scales. By following the comprehensive steps outlined in this guide and considering the use of a VPN if necessary, you can unlock the potential of Instagram Shopping and establish a thriving digital storefront in Pakistan. 

As you embark on this exciting journey of digital entrepreneurship, seize the opportunity to showcase your products, connect with your customers, and make your mark in the world of e-commerce.

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