You might get money as part of a big settlement ($725 million) because Facebook’s parent company, Meta, did some things wrong. 

They shared people’s information with other companies without asking, and they didn’t watch how others used that information. One company, Cambridge Analytica, used this info for politics before they closed.

If you can get this money, you have until August 25, 2023, to ask for it.

Here’s what you need to know:

Who’s Eligible to File a Claim?

If you used Facebook in the U.S. anytime from May 24, 2007, to December 22, 2022, you can ask for money. Even if you don’t use Facebook now, but you did back then and then stopped, you can still ask for money. 

This change is for people who had a Facebook account between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, then deleted it and made a new account during the same time. Facebook sent an email about this.

How Can I File a Claim?

If you want to get money from this $725 million deal, you have until August 25, 2023, to ask for it. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Visit the Settlement Website.
  2. Click on the “Submit Claim” button.
  3. If you had an account that you deleted, you need to click on “Edit Your Claim.”
  4. Use the special ID and Code that you got in your notice to access your claim.
  5. Answer the question about your account status (current, deleted, or both).
  6. Fill in the details about your account as required.
Only 1 Week Left to Claim Your Share of the $725M Facebook Settlement: Here’s How?

What Information Do You Need to Provide?

When you file a claim, you’ll need some personal information and your preferred way to get paid. You’ll also have to provide your Facebook username, as well as any phone numbers and email addresses connected to your account.

How To Find Your Facebook Username?

  • To find your Facebook username, log in to your Facebook account. 
  • Then, go to “Account” > “Settings and Privacy” > “General Account Settings” > “Username.”

How Much Money Could You Receive?

The amount of money you could get depends on how long you used Facebook and how many people ask for money. 

Here’s how it works:

First, they’ll subtract costs from the total settlement amount, which will leave the money available for distribution. Your share will depend on the time you spent using Facebook and the total number of claims.

Key Dates to Remember

If you don’t file a claim, you’re still part of the deal, but you won’t receive money unless you file.

The deadline to file a claim is August 25, 2023.

On September 7, 2023, at 11 a.m. CDT, there will be a hearing to approve the settlement.

What to Do Next?

Follow Hazehunt for more updates and information regarding this matter. Our team will keep you updated about further processes. 

Mahrukh Rehan is an experienced writer at Hazehunt. Her well-informed knowledge regarding tech, entertainment and e-commerce makes her an expert analyst and content strategist.

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