In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, organic reach is the cornerstone of success. Optimising your Shopify store for search engines can substantially increase your organic traffic, bringing in more potential customers without the costs of paid advertising. 

To guide you on this SEO journey, we’ve curated a list of the top 10 Shopify SEO tools that can elevate your store’s organic visibility.

What Is Shopify SEO?

Shopify SEO focuses on optimising your store for better placement in search engine results. This translates to increased organic visibility, more visitors, and ultimately, more sales. 

With the right SEO tools, your Shopify store becomes more search engine-friendly, offering actionable insights and eliminating guesswork. Regardless of whether you retail products sourced from others or handcraft your own, these tools can help you understand keywords, cultivate links, and fine-tune your content.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the top Shopify SEO apps and tools for finding the best keywords.

Top SEO Tools for Keyword Research

When it comes to SEO, keyword research is crucial. The choice of tools can significantly enhance your search engine rankings and drive more natural traffic to your Shopify store.

#1: Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool is a valuable resource for getting new keyword ideas that can boost traffic to your online store. Even if you start with just one basic keyword, you can create a comprehensive list of related keywords.

Moreover, it boasts the most extensive keyword database in the market, with over 24 billion keywords from 142 international databases.

How to Use it?

To begin using it, simply open the tool, and input your initial keyword (a general term relevant to your business). For instance, let’s use “insurance” as an example. Next, choose your preferred database location and click the “Search” button.

Do you want to refine your results further? You can apply various filters to narrow down your keyword options, including:

  • Questions: Find keyword ideas structured as questions.
  • Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match, Related: Explore different variations of your initial keyword.
  • Languages: Search for keywords in various languages.
  • Volume: Filter keywords based on specific search volume ranges, such as 101-1000, 1001-10000, and so on.
  • KD% (Keyword Difficulty Percentage): Identify keywords with specific difficulty levels for ranking, such as “Easy,” “Hard,” “Very hard,” and more.
  • Intent: Discover keywords that reflect particular search intentions, like “Informational,” “Navigational,” “Commercial,” or “Transactional.”

These filters will help you pinpoint the most relevant and effective keywords for your SEO strategy.

You can apply the filters and you’ll see this:

Adding filters to your initial search significantly reduces the number of keywords, making it easier to identify the most relevant ones.

Who Can Use This Tool?

This tool is ideal for those seeking a wealth of keyword ideas to enhance their content and boost website traffic.


It comes included with a Semrush subscription.

#2: Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a no-cost tool designed to assist online store owners in researching and examining keyword data. It also aids in enhancing your SEO strategy by pinpointing promising search terms.

How to Use it?

You can utilize this tool once you’ve established a Google Ads account. It’s worth noting that running advertising campaigns on Google Ads typically involves a budget. However, the great news is that you can create a free account solely to access the Keyword Planner.

Google Keyword Planner offers valuable insights into the monthly search volumes for particular keywords and tracks their performance over time.

You can also analyze how the arrangement of words in a phrase impacts Google search outcomes.

This detailed analysis empowers you to fine-tune your keyword strategy and gain insights into how prospective customers search for similar products.

Who Can Use This Tool?

Google’s Keyword Planner is an excellent choice for those starting in the world of SEO. It provides fundamental information about keyword search volumes, competition levels, and the potential return on investment.


It’s accessible for free with a Google Ads account.

#3: WordStream by LocaliQ Free Keyword Tool

WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool is designed to pinpoint suitable keywords, evaluate their search volumes, and assess competition. Its user-friendly interface and extensive data simplify the process of uncovering impactful keywords.

How to Use it?

You can simply input a keyword or the URL of a website to obtain keyword results customized to your specific industry and location.To illustrate, let’s assume you’re interested in exploring the keyword “pet toys.”

Using this tool, you will receive keyword suggestions along with additional information, such as the monthly search volume, competition level, and cost-per-click (CPC) data.

You also have the option to download the keyword list and incorporate it into your current SEO strategy or share it with your marketing team.

Who Can Use This Tool?

The keyword suggestions and data analytics provided by this tool make it an excellent choice for Shopify store owners looking to manage their SEO efforts within a budget.


It’s available for free.

#4: Uber Suggest

Ubersuggest by Neil Patel has a user-friendly interface and offers features such as keyword suggestions, content ideas, and competitive analysis.

The free plan allows for one search per day, while the paid plan provides unlimited searches, in-depth data analysis, and advanced tracking capabilities.

How to use it?

For our example, let’s continue with the “pet toys” theme.

Pay-per-click (PPC) metrics such as cost per click and paid difficulty assist store owners in pinpointing profitable keywords for their campaigns.

The keyword suggestions provided enable you to optimize your product titles, descriptions, and meta tags to make them more search engine-friendly and aligned with the interests of your target audience.

Furthermore, you can generate content ideas by inputting the keywords you’ve chosen.

Who Can Use This Tool?

This tool can be extremely valuable for Shopify store owners who aim to develop a content marketing strategy in conjunction with their SEO efforts.


Paid plans are available within the range of $29 to $99 per month.

Read More: Here’s a Quick Way to Get Started with Lead Generation

#5: Answer The Public

Answer the Public serves as a search listening tool, which involves scanning Google’s autocomplete searches. This tool then produces a diverse array of questions, prepositions, and related search terms that people are using in connection with your chosen keyword.

How to use it?

As an illustration, here are some results for the keyword “pet toys”:

Answer the Public’s audience-centric approach provides Shopify store owners with a distinct perspective into the inquiries and worries of potential customers. 

This approach creates an opportunity to produce exceptionally pertinent and captivating content that directly tackles these questions. In turn, this not only enhances SEO but also improves the overall user experience (UX).

For instance, you can utilize the questions people are posing to construct FAQ sections, craft informative blog posts, or even refine product descriptions to directly respond to consumer concerns.

Who Can Use This Tool?

Answer the Public serves as a comprehensive platform for gaining insights into your audience and shaping an effective content strategy. It is particularly advantageous for Shopify store owners who aim to create customer-focused content.


Paid plans for Answer the Public are available within the range of $9 to $199 per month.

Top 5 Tools for On-Page & Technical SEO

Both on-page SEO and technical SEO are essential for improving your website’s visibility and performance on search engines. Using the appropriate tools can make your work more efficient and assist you in pinpointing areas that require enhancement.

#1: Semrush Site Audit

One valuable tool for this purpose is the Semrush Site Audit. This tool is designed to help you enhance the overall health of your website and tackle technical problems that may exist.

How to use it?

To get started with the Semrush Site Audit tool, you’ll want to configure some basic settings. Let’s take an example using the website

After completing the project, you’ll notice an update on the Site Audit homepage.

To access an overview of your campaign, click on it. Here, you can check the status of Site Health, Crawlability, and Core Web Vitals. Be sure to review any errors, warnings, and notices that require your attention.

You have the option to click on each report to get more information about the particular issue. By addressing these problems, you can enhance the technical SEO of your website.

This tool is most suitable for users seeking a comprehensive assessment of their website’s health and actionable advice on resolving issues promptly.


This tool is included as part of the Semrush subscription.

#2: Yoast SEO for Shopify

Yoast SEO is an application designed to enhance your website’s performance in search engines.

This app assesses various on-page and technical SEO elements, such as meta descriptions, title tags, and schema markup (also known as structured data).

With its user-friendly interface, Yoast SEO simplifies the process, allowing Shopify store owners to optimize their content for search engines without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

The real-time content analysis feature in Yoast offers automatic feedback on keyword usage and readability while you create or edit product descriptions and blog posts.

The outcome of using Yoast SEO is that your Shopify store can achieve higher search engine rankings. Improved readability also leads to a better user experience.

This enhanced experience enables customers to navigate your store with ease, comprehend product descriptions, and, ultimately, make purchases more readily.

Yoast also eliminates conflicting code within your Shopify theme files, which is particularly beneficial for store owners with limited technical expertise. 

Conflicting or redundant code can slow down page loading times and create indexing problems, both of which can negatively impact the user experience and your site’s SEO.

Yoast SEO is designed to make SEO accessible. Its user-friendly interface and real-time content analysis are particularly valuable for small-to-medium businesses that might not have a dedicated SEO team.


The Yoast for Shopify app is priced at $19 per month.

#3: Plug In SEO

Plug-In SEO is an automated tool designed to continuously scan your online store and offer alerts and solutions to enhance your site’s search engine performance.

It addresses typical SEO issues such as missing meta descriptions, broken links, and subpar heading structures. With Plug In SEO, you can say goodbye to the hassle of manual checks and instead receive proactive solutions to keep your store optimized.

In addition, Plug In SEO offers straightforward, step-by-step instructions to assist you in resolving these issues. These instructions are designed to be user-friendly, making it possible for anyone, regardless of their level of SEO knowledge, to optimize their website.

Furthermore, Plug In SEO supports JSON-LD structured data, providing valuable support for structured data implementation.

Who can use it?

Plug In SEO is a perfect choice for new businesses taking their first steps into the world of SEO. It offers educational resources and customer support that make it highly accessible. This empowers even those who are new to SEO to enhance the performance of their online store right from the start.


Plug In SEO begins at $29.99 per month, following a 14-day free trial period.

#4: SEO Suite Image Optimizer by Avada

Avada’s SEO Suite Image Optimizer is a Shopify-exclusive tool designed to boost your online store’s image SEO, meta tags, and Google structured data.

Utilizing high-quality images can significantly enhance potential customers’ understanding of your products, instill trust in your brand, and elevate the overall shopping experience. However, these images can potentially impede your site’s performance, impacting both user experience and SEO, as site speed has been a ranking factor since 2010.

SEO Image Optimizer employs an algorithm to efficiently compress and resize your images without compromising their quality.

Who can use it?

Image Optimizer is particularly valuable for ecommerce businesses that heavily depend on visual storytelling. It guarantees that your images are not only visually appealing but also optimized for SEO.


Avada offers free plans, as well as a 14-day free trial, allowing you to explore the tool’s features before committing to a paid plan.

#5: Screaming Frog SEO Spider 

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a website crawler that assists in enhancing onsite SEO by conducting audits for common issues, providing a comprehensive overview of your website’s SEO health.

It can assist you in the following ways:

  • Identifying broken links, errors, and redirects: Quickly pinpoint and resolve these issues, which might be negatively affecting your SEO efforts.
  • Analyzing page titles and metadata: Review and optimize title tags and meta descriptions to ensure they are SEO-friendly.
  • Reviewing meta robots and directives: Determine whether specific directives or robots tags are preventing search engines from crawling certain parts of your site.
  • Site visualizations: Gain a high-level understanding of your site’s architecture to improve its structure.

Screaming Frog offers comprehensive technical SEO recommendations and highlights errors within a single dashboard. It updates in real-time and provides information on the number of URLs it has crawled and the remaining ones at the bottom of the screen.

Who can use it?

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is suitable for a wide range of websites, whether large or small, making it a valuable tool for conducting technical SEO assessments for any ecommerce business.


Screaming Frog offers both a free version and a paid plan, with the annual subscription costing $288.


Hence, these SEO tools provide a range of features to enhance online presence and SEO. They cater to diverse user needs, from SEO beginners to established e-commerce businesses, and offer both free and paid options to suit various budgets. These tools streamline the complexities of SEO and improve website performance.

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