The world is now heavily driven by creators.

Content creators, influencers, and community builders hold significant power and can earn money from their work in various ways. However, it’s a challenging journey.

Bloggers, videographers, photographers, and other creatives constantly seek new and effective ways to earn from their work within the ever-changing digital landscape.

Ad networks are a reliable way to achieve this goal. Picking the right one can help publishers earn more while ensuring a great experience for users.

This article dives into the top ad networks for content creators in 2024, equipping you with the tools to monetize your content effectively.

What is an Ad Network?

First things first, what exactly is an ad network?

An ad network acts as a mediator between publishers (like bloggers and content creators) looking to sell ad space on their websites and advertisers aiming to buy those placements. These networks help advertisers find suitable websites for their ads and assist publishers in connecting with relevant advertisers that align with their content and audience.

For bloggers and content creators, ad networks offer a way to earn from their content without directly negotiating with advertisers. Unlike sponsored posts or affiliate marketing, ad networks offer a more automated approach that reduces manual work, saving creators time and effort.

Here’s a typical process within ad networks:

  • Publisher Joins the Network: Creators submit their content or site for review. Networks often have minimum traffic requirements. Upon evaluation of content quality, niche, and traffic, the network decides whether to approve the publisher.
  • Ad Placement: Once approved, the process of placing ads on the site begins. This varies across networks—some provide a code snippet for embedding, while others involve sharing available inventory for advertisers to bid on. The aim is to place ads that resonate with the audience and drive engagement.
  • Earnings Generation: Advertisers pay the network to display their ads. When users view or click on these ads on the site, the publisher earns money. Earnings depend on the network’s payment structure.
  • Payment: The network pays the earnings using the chosen method, sometimes deducting a commission that varies among networks.

Types of Ad Networks

Following are the types of Ad networks listed below:

1. Vertical Networks

These networks focus on specific industries or niches, aiming to connect advertisers with highly targeted audiences. For instance, there might be a vertical network dedicated to finance or e-commerce.

Such networks are advantageous for content creators whose content aligns with these specific topics. They facilitate advertisers aiming to target audiences deeply interested in those particular industries.

2. Premium Networks

These networks prioritize quality ad placements and often collaborate with top-tier publishers or websites that generate substantial traffic. 

Advertisers are willing to invest more in these networks because of the higher visibility and credibility associated with these platforms. Premium networks offer a space for advertisers looking to place their ads on respected and sought-after sites.

3. Specialized or Inventory-Specific Networks

While similar to vertical networks, these platforms focus more on content types rather than industries. For instance, there might be networks specifically for video content or dedicated solely to podcast ads. These networks cater to advertisers looking for targeted placements within specific content formats, allowing content creators to monetize their specific content styles.

4. Targeted Networks

These networks specialize in precise audience targeting. They allow advertisers to reach highly specific demographics or user segments based on various criteria such as location, interests, or user behavior. 

Advertisers benefit from reaching audiences most likely to engage with their ads, making these networks particularly effective for niche marketing campaigns.

5. Performance and Affiliate Ad Networks

In contrast to networks primarily concerned with ad display, performance-based networks focus on user actions. Advertisers pay publishers based on specific actions taken by users after interacting with the ad, such as signing up, registering, or making a purchase. 

Similarly, affiliate ad networks operate on a commission basis, where creators earn a commission for sales made through their affiliate links. These networks offer creators a way to earn based on their audience’s actions rather than mere ad impressions, making it a performance-driven model.

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How to choose the best Ad Network in 2024?

Selecting the right ad network is pivotal for content creators aiming to generate income. However, with the multitude of choices available, it’s essential to find a network that aligns with your content, audience, and objectives.

Consider these key factors when choosing an ad network:

  • Audience and Niche: Understand your audience and content niche thoroughly. Research ad networks that cater to specific industries or user demographics aligned with your audience. Ensure the network and its advertisers resonate well with your content and audience interests.
  • Ad Formats: Different networks offer varied ad types, sizes, and placements. Determine which ad formats suit your content style and why they align with your goals. Choose an ad network that provides the ad options you find most appealing.
  • Revenue Models: Understand the payment models used by ad networks and select the one that suits you best. Some networks offer revenue sharing, while others follow models like cost-per-mille (CPM), cost-per-click (CPC), or cost-per-action (CPA). Opt for the model that aligns with your content and revenue objectives.
  • Traffic Requirements: Many networks have minimum traffic prerequisites for joining. Assess whether your site or platform meets these requirements. Some networks cater better to small publishers, while others suit high-traffic creators. Choose a network that aligns with your current traffic volume.
  • User Experience: Prioritize user experience as it greatly impacts your success as a content creator. Investigate how each ad network approaches user experience. Opt for networks that focus on serving relevant, non-intrusive ads. This approach not only enhances user satisfaction but also boosts revenue as audiences are more likely to engage with these ads.

By considering these factors, content creators can select an ad network that complements their content, enhances user experience, and maximizes revenue potential.

Top 17 Ad Networks in 2024

1. Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an excellent starting point for newcomers diving into ad monetization. It’s a widely popular network, especially praised for its user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for beginners.

Here’s what you can expect from AdSense:

  • No Traffic Requirement: There’s no minimum traffic needed to join, and the signup process is free and straightforward.
  • Easy Implementation: Upon approval, embedding a code snippet allows immediate ad display. The Auto Ads feature simplifies ad placement on your website, enabling automated activation or deactivation on specific pages.
  • Diverse Ad Formats: AdSense offers various ad formats like display, text, in-feed, and in-article ads. It includes options for contextual and behavioral targeting, and enhancing personalization.

However, there are some challenges:

  • Stringent Approval Process: Google enforces strict policies; getting approval can be challenging, and violations risk account suspension.
  • Earnings Withdrawal: You must accumulate at least $100 to withdraw earnings. While AdSense generates decent revenue, the potential isn’t as high as some other platforms.

Key specifics about Google AdSense:

  • Revenue Share: Site owners receive 68% of revenue, while 32% goes to Google AdSense.
  • Payment Model: It operates on a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) model.

Key Features

  • Responsive Ads: Ad units adjust automatically based on the user’s device for a seamless experience.
  • Insights and Analytics: Detailed reports track ad performance, providing data on views, clicks, revenue, and more.
  • Ad Review Center: Grants control over displayed ads by reviewing and approving or denying specific ad categories.

While AdSense offers an accessible entry point into ad monetization, its strict policies and revenue potential might not suit everyone. However, its ease of use and diverse ad formats make it an appealing choice for newcomers.

2. is a robust alternative to Google AdSense, backed by Yahoo! and Bing, offering an extensive advertiser pool to complement AdSense efforts.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Contextual Ad Focus: excels in contextual advertising, displaying ads closely related to your content rather than targeting based on user interests. This strategy aims to boost user engagement and clickthrough rates by aligning ad content with your page’s subject matter.
  • Free to Join: Similar to AdSense, has no traffic requirements and is free to join. It emphasizes a broad ad inventory and optimizes ad viewing on mobile devices.
  • Account Management Support: It stands out by providing dedicated account managers to assist publishers with setup, troubleshooting, and optimization, offering a valuable edge over other platforms.

However, there are a few considerations:

  • Approval Process and Learning Curve:’s approval process can be challenging, and there might be a learning curve for users new to the platform.
  • Minimum Payout and Payment Options: A minimum payout threshold of $100 and limited payment options through Payoneer or wire transfer could affect some creators.
  • Niche Performance: It tends to perform best for specific niches like health, tech, and finance. Sites outside these niches might experience comparatively lower earnings.

Key specifics about

  • Revenue Share: The revenue share percentage is undisclosed.
  • Payment Models: Operates on both Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) models.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Optimization: Aims to optimize ad types for the best performance with your audience.
  • Custom Ad Sizes: Allows publishers to create custom-sized and designed ads for seamless site integration.
  • “Sticky” and In-Content Ads: Offers ads that stick to the screen as users scroll or automatically display within content to enhance viewability.’s emphasis on contextual ads and personalized support makes it an enticing alternative to AdSense, particularly for certain niches, though the approval process and limited payment options might pose challenges for some creators.

3. Raptive

Raptive, previously known as AdThrive, stands out as a highly sought-after ad network among content creators, particularly those in travel, lifestyle, food, and parenting niches.

Here’s what makes it appealing:

  • Impressive Revenue Growth: Raptive is known for driving substantial revenue growth by optimizing ad placements and performance. It’s renowned for prioritizing publishers, ensuring creators get paid even if Raptive isn’t compensated by advertisers.
  • Dedicated Support and Flexibility: It offers dedicated support, various payment options, personalized site recommendations, and the ability to monetize video content. Its user-friendly dashboard provides detailed insights into earnings and impressions.

However, there are some considerations:

  • High Entry Barrier: Raptive requires a minimum of 100,000 monthly pageviews, making it challenging for smaller or newer creators to qualify.
  • Geographic and Content Focus: It primarily serves English content and prioritizes traffic from the US, CA, UK, AU, or NZ. Some reports mention a high ad density, potentially affecting user experience.

Key specifics about Raptive:

  • Revenue Share: 75% goes to site owners, while 25% goes to Raptive.
  • Payment Model: Operates on a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) model.

Key Features:

  • Auto Ad Placement: Ads are automatically positioned for optimal performance using Raptive’s algorithms.
  • A/B Ad Testing: Creators can experiment with different ad types and placements through customizable A/B testing.
  • Learning Resources: Offers expert webinars, tutorials, and articles to assist creators in enhancing their earnings.

Despite its advantages in revenue growth and support, Raptive’s high entry requirements and geographic/content focus might limit accessibility for smaller or international creators. However, for those meeting the criteria, its optimization tools and supportive ecosystem could prove highly beneficial.

4. AdCash

Adcash operates as a self-serve ad network, catering to both creators and advertisers globally, offering a wide array of ad formats and traffic sources.

Key Highlights:

  • Diverse Ad Formats: Adcash provides a comprehensive suite of ad formats, including pop-under, native ads, interstitials, banners, push notifications, and more, allowing creators to reach a broad audience.
  • Global Reach: With coverage in over 196 countries, Adcash offers flexibility in audience targeting, enabling creators to connect with users worldwide.
  • Anti-Adblock Technology: Notably, Adcash features anti-adblock technology, allowing creators to continue generating revenue even from visitors using ad-blocking tools.

Other Features and Considerations are:

  • Real-time Reporting and Optimization: Access to real-time performance reporting and optimization tools facilitates efficient ad campaign management.
  • Ease of Setup and Multiple Payment Options: Adcash offers easy setup and multiple payment options for creators.

However, there are some potential downsides:

  • User Experience Impact: Certain ad formats like interstitials or pop-unders may negatively impact user experience.
  • Minimum Payment Threshold and CPM Rates: The platform has a $25 USD/EUR minimum payment threshold and might offer lower CPM rates compared to the market average.

Key Specifics about Adcash:

  • Revenue Share: The exact revenue share percentage is undisclosed.
  • Payment Models: Adcash operates on various models including CPC, CPM, CPA, RevShare, and dynamic CPM.

Key Features:

  • Anti-Adblock Technology: Allows displaying ads to users with ad-blockers.
  • High Fill Rates: Ensures more impressions are monetized.
  • Live Reporting: Real-time tracking of revenue through the Publisher Platform Reports section.

While Adcash offers a wide range of ad formats and global reach, potential concerns include user experience with certain ad formats and comparatively lower CPM rates. Nonetheless, its anti-adblock technology and comprehensive reporting make it an appealing choice for creators aiming to monetize their content.

5. Amazon Publisher Services

Amazon Publisher Services provides a suite of tools for publishers and content creators to manage ad inventories and monetize content. Leveraging Amazon’s vast advertising ecosystem and cloud-based solutions, it offers access to features like the transparent ad marketplace, unified ad marketplace, and shopping insights, tapping into Amazon’s high ad demand.

Key Highlights for the Amazon publisher services are as follows:

  • Amazon’s Advertising Ecosystem: Publishers gain access to Amazon’s robust advertising ecosystem, including cloud-based solutions that enhance ad management and monetization.
  • Transparent and Unified Ad Marketplaces: The transparent ad marketplace (TAM) employs server-side header bidding, improving efficiency, while the unified ad marketplace (UAM) assists in managing multiple demand partners for optimal inventory bids.
  • Shopping Insights: Publishers benefit from data-driven insights into shopping behaviors, enabling them to refine delivery strategies.

However, some potential considerations are worth noting.

  • High Traffic Requirement: Amazon Publisher Services necessitates a minimum of 5,000 unique daily website visits, making it more suitable for larger creators.
  • Complex Implementation: It might be intimidating for newcomers due to its complexity, requiring time and technical expertise for implementation.

Key Specifics about Amazon Publisher Services:

  • Revenue Share: The exact revenue share percentage is undisclosed.
  • Payment Model: Operates on a Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) model.

Key Features:

  • Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM): Cloud-based header bidding solution enhancing speed and efficiency.
  • Unified Ad Marketplace (UAM): Streamlines demand consolidation across various sources.
  • Shopping Insights: Provides valuable data on shopping behaviors for optimized delivery strategies.

Amazon Publisher Services offers powerful tools within Amazon’s advertising ecosystem but might be better suited for larger creators due to its high traffic requirement and complexity in implementation. 

Nonetheless, for those meeting the criteria, its advanced features could significantly enhance ad management and revenue generation.

6. Propeller Ads

PropellerAds stands out as a user-friendly ad network, especially suitable for beginners, focusing primarily on display ads without a minimum traffic requirement.

Key Highlights are as follows:

  • Beginner-Friendly Interface: Known for its simplicity, PropellerAds offers an easy joining process without imposing a minimum traffic threshold, making it accessible to creators starting in ad monetization.
  • Global Reach and Ad Formats: With a diverse range of ad formats such as popunders, push notifications, native banners, and interstitials, PropellerAds provides global monetization opportunities for publishers from various regions.
  • Ad Quality Control: Utilizing technology and manual reviews, PropellerAds monitors ad quality and content to ensure safe and relevant ad displays, removing any suspicious or unsafe content.

Additional Features

100% Monetized Inventory: Offers full inventory monetization, providing creators with various flexible payment options, account manager support (primarily for larger publishers), and optimization tools.


  • Ad Quality Concerns: Some reports indicate leniency with advertisers, potentially resulting in low-quality or intrusive ads.
  • Focus on Display Ads: Primarily limited to display ads, which may not align with the preferences of all content creators.

Key Specifics about PropellerAds are as follows:

  • Revenue Share: The exact revenue share percentage is undisclosed.
  • Payment Models: Operates on various models including CPM, CPC, CPA, CPI, and CPL.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Reporting: Instantly track ad performance through real-time reporting.
  • Account Manager (Limited): Dedicated account managers are available primarily for larger publishers.
  • Referral Program: Allows users to earn more by referring fellow creators to the network.

PropellerAds offers an accessible platform for creators starting in ad monetization, though concerns about ad quality and its primary focus on display ads should be considered. Nonetheless, its user-friendly interface and diverse ad formats make it an appealing choice for beginners looking to monetize their content.

7. Infolinks

Infolinks, partnering with major advertisers like Amazon, Microsoft, and eBay, specializes in innovative banner ad formats aimed at countering banner ad blindness by seamlessly integrating with website content.

Following are some of the Key Highlights for Infolinks:

  • Intent-Driven Ad Formats: Infolinks offers inventive ad types like InFold, InText, InTag, InFrame, and InScreen, designed to blend with content and improve user engagement.
  • Accessibility and Compatibility: With no minimum traffic requirements and easy setup, creators of all sizes can use Infolinks alongside AdSense ads to enhance their revenue potential.


  • Impact on User Experience: While these non-traditional ad formats aim to be less intrusive, they might still affect the user experience.
  • Minimum Payment Threshold and Customization: Infolinks has a $50 minimum payment threshold and comparatively limited customization options.
  • Earning Potential: Its earning potential might not match some other networks.

Key Specifics about Infolinks:

  • Revenue Share: Distributes 70% to publishers and retains 30%.
  • Payment Models: Operates on various models including CPM, CPC, CPA, CPV, CPI, and Auction.

Key Features:

  • InText: Highlights relevant keywords that, when hovered over, display ads.
  • InFold: Overlay ads related to search intent, often appearing as a footer ad.
  • InTag: Displays a tag cloud of valuable keywords with relevant ads upon hovering.
  • InFrame: Banner ads utilizing unused screen space in page margins.

Infolinks’ intent-driven ad formats offer a unique approach to counter banner ad blindness. While it provides accessibility and compatibility for creators of all sizes, potential impacts on user experience and slightly limited customization should be considered before integration. Nonetheless, it could be a valuable supplement to traditional banner ads or existing ad networks.

8. Monumetric

Monumetric, previously known as The Blogger Network, caters to publishers meeting a minimum traffic threshold of 10,000 pageviews monthly, offering a wide range of ad formats and significant earning potential.

Some of the major highlights are as follows:

  • Ad Diversity and Revenue Potential: Boasting a diverse ad format selection, Monumetric empowers creators to make audience-centric ad decisions, leading to higher earnings.
  • Dynamic Ad Delivery: Rather than displaying a single static ad, Monumetric continuously serves different relevant units to users based on audience behavior.
  • Personalized Service: Its standout feature is the personalized support offered to content creators, providing tailored assistance in setting up ad revenue strategies aligned with creators’ goals.

However, few considerations are as follows:

  • Setup Fee and Payout Schedule: While there’s a one-time setup fee of $99 (waived for over 80,000 monthly pageviews), the net-60-day payout schedule and a minimum payout of $10 should be noted.
  • Platform Limitations: Monumetric supports only WordPress and Blogger websites, limiting its compatibility with other platforms.

Key Specifics about Monumetric:

  • Revenue Share: Offers up to 70% revenue share to publishers.
  • Payment Model: Operates on a Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) model.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Ad Placements: Ad units are dynamically placed based on audience and content.
  • Managed Ad Platform: Offers hands-on support, managing ad placement and optimization for creators.
  • Personalized Support: One-on-one attention from the Monumetric team, assisting in crafting custom ad strategies.

Monumetric’s diverse ad options and personalized support make it an attractive choice for publishers meeting the traffic threshold. However, the platform’s setup fee, payout schedule, and limited website compatibility might affect its appeal to some creators. Nonetheless, for those meeting the criteria, its personalized service and revenue potential could be highly beneficial.

9. Taboola

Taboola, a frontrunner in content recommendations, facilitates native ad placements to suggest articles or videos at the end of blogs or articles, offering a more integrated and less intrusive advertising experience.

Some of the key highlights are as follows:

  • Native Ad Integration: Taboola specializes in native content suggestions, seamlessly blending ads with a site’s content for a more organic user experience, contrasting with traditional banner ads.
  • Filtered Content Recommendations: Publishers can filter the types of content displayed to their audience, maintaining control over the suitability of the suggestions.
  • Ease of Use and High Earning Potential: Taboola offers a straightforward setup and demonstrates promising revenue potential for publishers.

However, here are some of the considerations:

  • High Traffic Requirement: Taboola necessitates a substantial 500,000 monthly pageviews for eligibility, restricting access for smaller publishers.
  • Content Suitability Concerns: Some suggested content might not align well with the site’s theme or quality, potentially appearing as spam-like.

Key Specifics about Taboola:

  • Revenue Share: Shares revenue at a 50-50 split between publishers and Taboola.
  • Payment Models: Operates on Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) models.

Key Features:

  • Native Ad Format: Integrates ads seamlessly with site content for a less disruptive user experience.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform for publishers.
  • Content Discovery Engine: Utilizes an algorithm to suggest content based on audience interests.

Taboola’s native ad placements prioritize an integrated user experience but come with a stringent traffic threshold, potentially limiting access for smaller publishers. Nonetheless, for those meeting the traffic requirements, its native ad format and potential for high earnings could be appealing.

10. Revcontent

Revcontent serves as a viable alternative for content recommendation, especially for creators not meeting Taboola’s higher traffic thresholds. With a more accessible requirement of 50,000 monthly pageviews, it offers a competitive platform focusing on performance and quality.


  • Accessibility: Revcontent’s lower traffic threshold of 50,000 monthly pageviews makes it more accessible for bloggers and smaller content creators compared to larger competitors like Taboola.
  • Customization Options: Offers unique customization features, allowing publishers to tailor native ads to align with their site’s design and branding.
  • Diverse Placement Options: Provides multiple placement options, from blog post bottoms to newsletters and video ads.
  • Quality Control: Known for its stringent approval process, ensuring quality content and relevant placements.


  • Challenges with the Approval Process: While it has a lower traffic requirement, the approval process might still pose a challenge for some creators.
  • Scale and Reach: Not as expansive as larger competitors like Taboola and Outbrain.
  • Minimum Payout: Requires a minimum payout of $100.

Key Specifics about Revcontent:

  • Revenue Share: Distributes 80% of revenue to publishers and retains 20%.
  • Payment Models: Operates on Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) models.

Key Features:

  • Widget Customization: Allows publishers to customize ad appearances on their site.
  • Content Recommendation Technology: Proprietary algorithm for relevant and engaging recommendations.
  • Viral Content Promotion: Offers the promotion of potentially viral content for revenue maximization.

Revcontent offers an accessible platform for content recommendations with a focus on performance and quality. Despite a lower traffic requirement, its approval process and reach might not match larger competitors. However, for smaller creators meeting the criteria, its customization options and revenue share could be advantageous.


The top ad networks for content creators in 2024 offer diverse options to monetize content. From accessible platforms like Google AdSense to higher-earning potential networks such as Raptive and Monumetric, each has its strengths. The choice depends on audience alignment, traffic levels, and revenue goals, enabling creators to monetize while delivering value to their audience.

Usman Ahmad is a professional writer at Hazehunt. With years of experience in the industry, Usman has a keen eye for emerging trends in AI, IoT, and cybersecurity.

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