In today’s digital age, there are more ways to make extra money besides a regular job. Many people are now doing “side hustles,” which means they’re using their hobbies and talents to make more money. 

What’s great is that you can do this without spending money at the beginning or revealing your face to everyone. 

In this article, we’ll talk about the best five side hustles that let you earn unlimited money. 

What is a Side Hustle?

In simple words, a “side hustle” means making extra money alongside your main job. It’s like having another way to earn cash. Many people are now embracing side hustles as a regular part of their lives.

When you choose an online side hustle, you don’t have to travel anywhere or even step out of your home. Depending on the type of side hustle you pick, all you need is a working device (like a computer or phone) and a good internet connection. 

This gives you full control over when you work and your daily schedule.


The best way to make extra money online is by starting a dropshipping business. It’s like having an online store where you sell things to people.

But here’s the cool part: In dropshipping, you don’t need to keep the stuff you’re selling in your own place. Instead, the company you work with takes care of sending the products to your customers.

Here’s how it works: You tell people about the products you have, and when someone buys something from you, you order it from the company you’re working with. They send it directly to the person who bought it. 

The money you get from the person who bought the thing is more than what you pay to the company, so you keep the extra money as your profit.

The good thing is you don’t need to rent a place to store products or buy a lot of things upfront. This makes it a safe way to try out a business without risking too much money.

How to get started?

  1. Select a specific product category that appeals to a target audience.
  2. Utilize platforms like Shopify to create your storefront.
  3. Connect with reliable suppliers through platforms like AliExpress or Oberlo.
  4. Employ social media marketing and online advertising to attract customers.

Watch Dropshipping Explained:

Where to Learn?

  • Platforms like Udemy offer comprehensive courses on dropshipping strategies and tactics.
  • Access resources and tutorials directly from the e-commerce platform.
  • Search for experienced dropshippers who share their insights.

How much can you earn from Dropshipping?

Earnings from dropshipping can vary widely based on factors such as the niche, marketing efforts, and product selection. However, individuals have reported monthly earnings ranging from $500 to $10,000 and beyond.


Inspire and Warmly are the top-rated drop shipping businesses these days. They both started from zero investment and managed to be successful through continuous hardwork, and consistency. 

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a side job that can bring in good money over time. But before you start making money, you need to learn how it works. It’s not only about picking a good product to sell, but also finding the right company to work with.

If you decide to be an affiliate marketer for online stores, the money you make from each sale might not be as much as if you were selling the stuff yourself. But there are companies in the tech world that will pay a lot of money to affiliates who bring them new customers. So, there’s potential to earn a nice amount.

How to get started?

  1. Decide on a specific topic or area you’re interested in and want to promote products in.
  2. Look for companies and brands that offer affiliate programs related to your chosen niche.
  3. Sign up for the affiliate programs of the companies you’ve chosen. They’ll provide you with unique affiliate links.
  4. Pick products that fit your niche and that you genuinely believe in. The products should be valuable to your audience.
  5. Write blog posts, make videos, or use social media to share information about the products. Be helpful and informative.
  6. Insert your unique affiliate links into your content. When people click on these links and make a purchase, you earn a commission.
  7. Share your content on social media, forums, and other platforms where your target audience hangs out.
  8. Monitor how your affiliate links are performing. See which products are getting more clicks and conversions.
  9. Based on the performance data, refine your strategy. Focus on what’s working and adjust what’s not.
  10. Keep up with industry trends and new products. Continuous learning will help you stay competitive.

Watch Affiliate Marketing explained here:

Where to Learn from?

  • Websites like and Smart Passive Income offer detailed insights into affiliate marketing strategies.
  • Learn from marketing experts about effective affiliate marketing techniques.
  • Search for affiliate marketing experts who share practical tips and case studies.

How much can you earn from Affiliate Marketing?

Earnings in affiliate marketing can range from $100 to several thousand dollars per month, depending on the products promoted, the size of the audience, and the conversion rate.


Let’s talk about Rae Hoffman Dolan, also known as Sugar Rae. She’s an inspiring example in the world of affiliate marketing. Not only this but Greg also managed to make a good name in affiliate marketing business.

YouTube Automation

YouTube automation is a way of running a YouTube channel without constantly being there to create and upload videos. Moreover, it involves using certain tools and strategies to schedule, curate, and manage content on your channel automatically. 

This can include using software to upload pre-made videos, using creative commons material, or repurposing existing content to keep your channel active without needing to manually create and upload videos all the time.

How to get started?

  1. Choose the topic or niche you want your channel to focus on.
  2. Identify popular and relevant content in your niche that you can curate or repurpose.
  3. Outline a schedule for uploading videos. Decide how often you want to post new content.
  4. Look for videos, images, and music with Creative Commons licenses that you can use legally.
  5. Use tools like TubeBuddy or Hootsuite to schedule and manage your video uploads.
  6. Select videos and content that fit your channel’s theme. Edit them if needed to add your own touch.
  7. Select videos and content that fit your channel’s theme. Edit them if needed to add your own touch.
  8. Write engaging titles and descriptions to attract viewers and optimize for search engines.
  9. Even with automation, respond to comments and engage with your audience to build a community.
  10. Keep track of how your automated videos are performing in terms of views, likes, and audience engagement.
  11. Regularly review and adjust your content plan based on the performance and audience feedback.

Watch Youtube Automation Explained here:

Where to learn from?

  • Access official resources provided by YouTube to improve your channel’s performance.
  • Learn video editing and content creation techniques.
  • Many creators share their experiences and tips on growing a YouTube channel.

How much can you earn from YouTube Automation?

Earnings from automated YouTube channels can range from $500 to $2,000 per month, depending on the number of views, ad revenue, and engagement.


Bright Side and The Richest are the best examples of how people are earning from youtube automation. 

Course Selling

Creating and selling online courses is an excellent way to share your expertise while earning money. It establishes you as an authority in your niche and can become a significant income source.

How to get started?

  1. Select a subject you are knowledgeable about and passionate about.
  2. Use platforms like Teachable or Udemy to develop and structure your course material.
  3. Leverage social media and content marketing to attract potential students.

Watch Course Selling Explained here:

Where to learn from?

  • Platforms like Udemy offer guidance on creating effective online courses.
  • Access valuable insights and tips directly from the platform.
  • Some platforms offer resources on course creation, pricing, and marketing.

How much can you earn from Course Selling?

Earnings from selling online courses can range from $500 to $5,000 per month, depending on the quality of the course, the demand for the topic, and the marketing efforts.


Neil Patel and Hubspot are known for building their successful courses to help people.

Social Media Pages

Running an Instagram or TikTok account dedicated to motivation or marketing within a specific niche can yield substantial results.

How to get started?

  1. Determine the area you want to focus on, whether it’s motivation, fitness, beauty, or entrepreneurship.
  2. Share tips, stories, and engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  3. Utilize trending and relevant hashtags to increase your content’s discoverability.

Watch the video explained here: 

Where to learn from?

  • Blogs and articles offer insights into building a strong social media presence.
  • Access official guides from Instagram on creating and growing your profile.
  • Learn from TikTok’s official resources on content creation and engagement.

How much can you earn from Social Media pages?

Earnings from motivational or marketing social media pages can vary widely, ranging from sporadic income to substantial earnings from sponsorships, brand partnerships, and product promotions.


BossBabe is an Instagram account that empowers and educates female entrepreneurs. Alsp Jay Shetty is known for his inspirational videos and messages on various platforms.


Engaging in side hustles without investment or showing your face has become a viable option for individuals looking to diversify their income streams. 

Whether you choose dropshipping, affiliate marketing, YouTube automation, course selling, or managing motivational/marketing pages, these opportunities offer the potential for significant earnings and personal growth. 

By following the provided guides, learning from reliable sources, and drawing inspiration from successful individuals, you can embark on a journey toward financial independence.

For more updates and informative guides, don’t forget to follow Hazehunt.

Usman Ahmad is a professional writer at Hazehunt. With years of experience in the industry, Usman has a keen eye for emerging trends in AI, IoT, and cybersecurity.

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