Are you tired of the hassle of carrying multiple documents while travelling?
What if you could use just your face as your passport?
Read on to learn about Sharjah Airport’s revolutionary facial recognition technology and how it’s changing the travel experience.
Sharjah Airport has introduced a groundbreaking new technology that allows passengers to use their face as their passport. The system, called “Smart Travel,” uses facial recognition to identify travelers and verify their identity quickly and accurately.

The Process – Worth It?

Following are the steps of facial recognition outlined below:


The first step in the facial recognition process is enrollment. This involves capturing an image of the passenger’s face and storing it in the airport’s database. At Sharjah Airport, passengers can enroll in the Smart Travel system by visiting a self-service kiosk or registration desk.
They simply need to scan their passport and take a selfie, and the system will automatically enroll them in the program.


Once a passenger has been enrolled, the facial recognition system can be used at various points throughout the airport. For example, when a passenger approaches the check-in counter, the system will use biometric data to match their face with the image stored in the database.
If there is a match, the passenger will be allowed to check-in without presenting any physical documents. This reduces wait times and makes the check-in process more convenient for passengers.

Security Checkpoints

The facial recognition system is also used at security checkpoints. When a passenger approaches the security checkpoint, the system will again use biometric data to match their face with the image stored in the database.
If there is a match, the passenger will be allowed to proceed through security without presenting any physical documents. This helps to streamline the security process and make it more efficient.

Boarding Gate

Finally, the facial recognition system is used at the boarding gate. When a passenger approaches the boarding gate, the system will once again use biometric data to match their face with the image stored in the database.

If there is a match, the passenger will be allowed to board the plane without presenting any physical documents. This makes the boarding process faster and more convenient for passengers.

The Benefits of Facial Recognition at Sharjah Airport

Ali Salim Al Midfa, Chairman of Sharjah Airport Authority says,

“Our goal is to provide passengers with a seamless and stress-free travel experience. The Smart Travel system using facial recognition technology is a major step in that direction, making the check-in process faster and more convenient for passengers.”

Here are some of the benefits that passengers can expect from using facial recognition technology at Sharjah Airport:

Faster Check-In Process

With facial recognition technology, passengers no longer need to present physical documents such as passports or boarding passes. The system uses biometric data to identify travelers, reducing wait times and making the check-in process faster and more convenient quickly and accurately.

Improved Passenger Experience

The use of facial recognition technology can significantly reduce stress and anxiety associated with travel. By eliminating the need for physical documents and reducing wait times, passengers can enjoy a more seamless and stress-free travel experience.

The use of facial recognition technology can significantly reduce stress and anxiety associated with travel. By eliminating the need for physical documents and reducing wait times, passengers can enjoy a more seamless and stress-free travel experience.

Streamlined Airport Operations

The implementation of facial recognition technology can help airports streamline their operations, reducing the need for manual identity checks and freeing up staff to focus on other tasks.
Overall, the benefits of facial recognition technology at Sharjah Airport are clear. By providing a faster, more secure, and more convenient travel experience, the Smart Travel system is setting a new standard for air travel.
As the technology continues to advance, it is likely that more airports around the world will adopt similar systems, making air travel more efficient and enjoyable for passengers.

The Technology Behind Facial Recognition at Sharjah Airport

The Smart Travel system uses advanced facial recognition technology to verify the identity of passengers.
The technology is based on biometric data, which is unique to each individual. The system captures a live image of the passenger’s face, compares it to their passport photo, and verifies the identity.
The technology is designed to be fast and accurate, with a verification process that takes just a few seconds. It also ensures the privacy and security of passengers, as the data is encrypted and stored securely.

The Future of Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition technology is rapidly advancing and is expected to become more prevalent in various industries, including travel and tourism.
According to a report by MarketsandMarkets,

“The global facial recognition market is expected to grow from $3.2 billion in 2019 to $7.0 billion by 2024.”

As the technology becomes more widespread, there are concerns about privacy and security. However, Sharjah Airport has taken steps to ensure the safety and privacy of passengers by implementing strict data protection and security measures.

Expert Opinion: The Psychology of Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology has implications beyond just travel and security. It also has psychological implications, as it changes the way we think about identity and privacy.
According to Dr. Sarah Rose Cavanagh, a professor of psychology at Assumption University, facial recognition technology has the potential to change the way we think about ourselves and our identities. She states,

“We might begin to feel like our identity is more fixed and rigid than it really is, as we become more dependent on this technology to confirm who we are.”

However, she also notes that facial recognition technology can have positive effects, such as reducing the stress and anxiety associated with travel.
She further explains,

If facial recognition technology can make travel less stressful and more convenient, it could have a positive impact on our mental health and well-being.”


Facial recognition technology is transforming the travel industry and improving the passenger experience. Sharjah Airport’s Smart Travel system is just one example of how this technology is being used to enhance security and streamline the check-in process.

While there are concerns about privacy and security, the technology is advancing rapidly, and measures are being taken to ensure the safety and privacy of passengers. As facial recognition technology becomes more prevalent, it will be interesting to see how it changes the way we think about identity and privacy.

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